Many people who have experienced a Chakra-puncture treatment share that what they have received has been of great benefit to their overall well-being and quality of their daily lives.* Naturally, when experiencing such a gentle and supportive modality* many parents ask if Chakra-puncture would be something that could also be of support for their children.
Chakra-puncture practitioners operate under strict guidelines and with the highest level of integrity, including specific guidelines for the treatment of minors.
The Guidelines for Safe Practice of Chakra-puncture, a document that outlines all details of what is required in the Safe Practice of Chakra-puncture, states the following:
“Chakra-puncture should not be given to children under the age of 6 years. Children between the ages of 6 and 18 years may only be given Chakra-puncture with the full consent of their parent or guardian.”
As it states the minimum age that a child may receive a Chakra-puncture treatment is 6 years of age with full consent from their parent or legal guardian. However, it is also important to consider the approach taken and taught within the training for Chakra-puncture as to what type of treatments are beneficial for children and when they might be considered beneficial.
Treatments for children are administered with specific regard for their age and development. For example, if treatment is offered to younger children of 6 to 8 years of age they will only be given a very light Chakra-puncture treatment, often using only two or three needles, placed lightly on the legs or arms and treatment duration is much shorter than for adults. Children aged 9 to 12 years old may receive a few more needles but the same general principles of very light treatment apply. At these ages ongoing treatment programs are rarely recommended for the focus is placed on offering the child a moment for themselves to stop and reconnect.
For teenagers, Chakra-puncture can be a supportive tool in supporting self-connection and self-care throughout high school and adolescence*. Light programs may be offered for older teens, again this is administered with full parental consent as well as the full and informed consent of the teen themselves.
For all children’s treatments, Chakra-puncturists work directly with the parents or legal guardians to ensure that the child is fully supported throughout the entire Chakra-puncture treatment and in full and open discussion with the children themselves.
And of course, Chakra-puncture is only ever offered if the child feels that it is something that they would like to do, are completely comfortable with and they feel that it will support them. Most children thoroughly enjoy the treatments* and in addition to their parent or guardian’s consent, the final decision whether they choose to have chakra-puncture lies with the child and no treatment is administered without the child being completely comfortable and keen to receive treatment.
Chakra-puncture practitioners operate under strict guidelines and with the highest level of integrity, including specific guidelines for the treatment of minors.
The Guidelines for Safe Practice of Chakra-puncture, a document that outlines all details of what is required in the Safe Practice of Chakra-puncture, states the following:
“Chakra-puncture should not be given to children under the age of 6 years. Children between the ages of 6 and 18 years may only be given Chakra-puncture with the full consent of their parent or guardian.”
As it states the minimum age that a child may receive a Chakra-puncture treatment is 6 years of age with full consent from their parent or legal guardian. However, it is also important to consider the approach taken and taught within the training for Chakra-puncture as to what type of treatments are beneficial for children and when they might be considered beneficial.
Treatments for children are administered with specific regard for their age and development. For example, if treatment is offered to younger children of 6 to 8 years of age they will only be given a very light Chakra-puncture treatment, often using only two or three needles, placed lightly on the legs or arms and treatment duration is much shorter than for adults. Children aged 9 to 12 years old may receive a few more needles but the same general principles of very light treatment apply. At these ages ongoing treatment programs are rarely recommended for the focus is placed on offering the child a moment for themselves to stop and reconnect.
For teenagers, Chakra-puncture can be a supportive tool in supporting self-connection and self-care throughout high school and adolescence*. Light programs may be offered for older teens, again this is administered with full parental consent as well as the full and informed consent of the teen themselves.
For all children’s treatments, Chakra-puncturists work directly with the parents or legal guardians to ensure that the child is fully supported throughout the entire Chakra-puncture treatment and in full and open discussion with the children themselves.
And of course, Chakra-puncture is only ever offered if the child feels that it is something that they would like to do, are completely comfortable with and they feel that it will support them. Most children thoroughly enjoy the treatments* and in addition to their parent or guardian’s consent, the final decision whether they choose to have chakra-puncture lies with the child and no treatment is administered without the child being completely comfortable and keen to receive treatment.
*based on anecdotal evidence/client testimonials
Client Testimonial
"We have it open to our 12-year-old daughter, Bella, to have Chakra-puncture sessions at the Universal Medicine Clinic in Goonellabah when she feels she’d like to. Bella has had a number of sessions and what I have noticed and she has commented on is the way she comes away after receiving a session. She comes out very settled, assured and very able to deal with anything that comes her way. For me it is like looking at a deeper version of an already wonderful young lady. Her eyes have a warm deep look, her smile is very assured and it is almost like she has been put back in touch with a place within that is to her very familiar. I would say it grounds her in who she really is and this is very evident by the way she walks and talks after these sessions. As a parent, a father and a person there is nothing more anyone can give me than seeing a young person looking this way.
The knock-on effect then transfers to our whole family where we all feel more settled, more assured and usually we just smile at each other, shed a few joyful tears and hug. The house feels more at ease like we have more space to deal with things or more time to enjoy each other which ever may come.
She has walked into the sessions at times carrying the weight of the world and walks out with that weight not only lifted but given a base, a foundation to allow her to choose how not to carry that weight again. These sessions Bella asks for and are, as we both know, a great support for her in her life."
Raymond, Business owner and Father of five
The knock-on effect then transfers to our whole family where we all feel more settled, more assured and usually we just smile at each other, shed a few joyful tears and hug. The house feels more at ease like we have more space to deal with things or more time to enjoy each other which ever may come.
She has walked into the sessions at times carrying the weight of the world and walks out with that weight not only lifted but given a base, a foundation to allow her to choose how not to carry that weight again. These sessions Bella asks for and are, as we both know, a great support for her in her life."
Raymond, Business owner and Father of five