The Science Of The Nadis
The Energetic Cells of Life
The Energetic Cells of Life
Just as science and medicine explore the anatomy and physiology of the physical body to deepen our understanding of how it works in health and what happens in illness and disease, there is, as well as this essential scientific understanding, an energetic anatomy and physiology that many consider to be an energetic science, that considers wellness from an energetic perspective, and from this perspective the Science of the Nadis (the Science of our living energetic cells) is the foundational science of our energetic make-up.
The Science of The Nadis identifies that the human being is made up of 45,000 energetic cells known as Nadis. These are the building blocks of our energetic make-up. We can picture the shape of a Nadi as an hour glass with two cone-like funnels whose touching tips constitute the center. At the center of each Nadi is where the quality of Fiery energy (Fire) lays that makes our natural essence. The top and bottom part of the cones are known as chakras.
The Science of The Nadis identifies that the human being is made up of 45,000 energetic cells known as Nadis. These are the building blocks of our energetic make-up. We can picture the shape of a Nadi as an hour glass with two cone-like funnels whose touching tips constitute the center. At the center of each Nadi is where the quality of Fiery energy (Fire) lays that makes our natural essence. The top and bottom part of the cones are known as chakras.
We are a living science
The Science of the Nadis is not an abstract theory in some textbook, it is a living science right in and around us. It is the science of how we are energetically designed and operate and it holds the key knowledge and understanding for our health and wellbeing.
The Nadi is in constant interrelationship with the field of energy we live in. Put simply, a Nadi is like a hole - energy is received, flowing through and expressed by it. Energy that is identified as of the same quality as the fiery spark at the center of the Nadi confirms and expands our true essence. Energy that is of a lower vibration than fire is recognised as not of our true making and hence disharmonious. "Everything is energy", as presented by Albert Einstein and many before him, is an actual living fact that still needs to be understood on a mundane everyday level. Everything we feel, think and do is energy – impulsed, produced and expressed by an energy. But what does it need to become aware of such a momentous matter of fact? As our five senses can only perceive the temporal reality, that is a certain range of vibrational energy we call matter or the physical world, our intellectual minds are limited in their ability to imagine and understand the magnitude of the fact that everything is energy. However, our body is receiving and experiencing energy all of the time, by feeling, as energy is running through its energetic cells, the Nadis. |
Our innate ability to feel and be aware of energy is defined by our sixth sense - clairsentience. The moment we stop mentally overriding what we are feeling in our bodies and honour these feelings, we start to become aware of so much more than the mind can grasp - the world of energy. With this basic understanding we might consider not our minds but our bodies to be the true experts of energy, making each and all of us a scientist and an object of study all at once.
The Science of the Nadis presents the knowledge and wisdom that describes the energetic design behind how energy works in our bodies, how health and well-being are sustained and how illness and disease come into being. From this viewpoint, The Science of The Nadis is the essential foundation of true healing modalities of which Chakra-Puncture is a prime example.
The Science of the Nadis presents the knowledge and wisdom that describes the energetic design behind how energy works in our bodies, how health and well-being are sustained and how illness and disease come into being. From this viewpoint, The Science of The Nadis is the essential foundation of true healing modalities of which Chakra-Puncture is a prime example.
Fire and Prana
– The two types of energy that run the body
Most who are even just a little bit familiar with energetic or spiritual healing modalities (energetic medicine) will have heard terms like prana, qi, chi or ki – or as they are usually described, our lifeforce and source of healing. Energetic modalities like acupuncture, shiatsu, reiki, prana healing, quantum touch etc. attempt to reroute stagnant or excessive pranic energy so that it can flow freely through the body again. This is seen as healing. What is commonly unknown is the fact that prana can indeed produce a respectable level of function and fitness, but never can it provide a truly harmonious and love-filled state of being, and nor can it bring forth any true healing.
Chakra-puncture and the Science of the Nadis understand prana as a lower vibrational form of energy that is only responsible and necessary for maintaining the animalistic aspect of our human beingness, the physical body. Prana is not the energy of our true making, the Soul. The Soul is of a much lighter and expanded vibrational energy called Fire or divine energy. It is fiery energy that innately lays at the center of each Nadi. This means, when we are connected to our center and expressing its fiery energy, we can say it is our most natural state of being.
Whilst prana is needed and natural to some degree on a physical level it is not designed to be used as an energy for expression, ie. to produce feelings and thoughts and the subsequent actions and behaviours we then get identified with as who we are. The Science of the Nadis sees that this misuse of pranic energy may very well be the cause of all illness and disease.
From Health – to disharmony, illness and disease
By freewill we can choose the kind of energy, prana or fire, that then flows in and through us (our Nadis) to impulse forth the physiology of our body, our feelings and thoughts.
When the Nadis are ‘alive’ and un-imposed upon they express a quality that is natural to the inner-most being. The Nadis naturally express the quality of fire and when the body is in the full emanation of this fire, its expression is unhindered. It possesses the qualities of true harmony and stillness, which leaves the physiology of the body un-imposed upon by energy that otherwise does not belong to its natural expression. It is the flow of uninterrupted fiery energy throughout the body that we term harmonious. In this state, the physiology and therefore the organs and body systems also hold this harmonious quality and a truly vital body is possible.
When the Nadis are ‘alive’ and un-imposed upon they express a quality that is natural to the inner-most being. The Nadis naturally express the quality of fire and when the body is in the full emanation of this fire, its expression is unhindered. It possesses the qualities of true harmony and stillness, which leaves the physiology of the body un-imposed upon by energy that otherwise does not belong to its natural expression. It is the flow of uninterrupted fiery energy throughout the body that we term harmonious. In this state, the physiology and therefore the organs and body systems also hold this harmonious quality and a truly vital body is possible.
When the Nadi is not activated and we are not expressing the fiery energy from its center, the chakra (top part of the Nadi) is activated and non-fiery energy (prana) is impulsing our expression. This is referred to as ‘imposing’ energy by virtue of the fact that it is not recognised as being of the same quality or ‘belonging’ to the essence of the Soul. This is another way of saying, it is not from ‘who we truly are’, but from outside of us.
When we take on energy from outside of us by reaction to and or identification with emotions, ideals and beliefs the energy layers upon the top part of the Nadi build up and caps the fiery energy at the center from emanating out in its fullness. That is how a Nadi is reduced to function as a chakra. The imposing energy now bounces from one chakra to the next configuring an unnatural flow of energy throughout the body and thus programing emotions, thoughts and behaviours that are taken over from an outside source of energy. In other words, the energy we align to makes us who we are.
When there is an interruption or imposition on the fiery flow, the body is configured into a state of energetic disharmony. The quality of this disharmonious energy is caused by the misuse of prana and is the first energetic deviation away from the naturally fiery and harmonious quality of the body. Chakra-puncture offers the body an opportunity to restore this Fiery quality throughout one's energetic being, and in turn to the physical body.
When we take on energy from outside of us by reaction to and or identification with emotions, ideals and beliefs the energy layers upon the top part of the Nadi build up and caps the fiery energy at the center from emanating out in its fullness. That is how a Nadi is reduced to function as a chakra. The imposing energy now bounces from one chakra to the next configuring an unnatural flow of energy throughout the body and thus programing emotions, thoughts and behaviours that are taken over from an outside source of energy. In other words, the energy we align to makes us who we are.
When there is an interruption or imposition on the fiery flow, the body is configured into a state of energetic disharmony. The quality of this disharmonious energy is caused by the misuse of prana and is the first energetic deviation away from the naturally fiery and harmonious quality of the body. Chakra-puncture offers the body an opportunity to restore this Fiery quality throughout one's energetic being, and in turn to the physical body.
Chakra-puncture and the Nadis
Chakra-puncture by the use of needles, when applied correctly, directly communicates with the fiery center of the Nadi. The needle can be compared to a button on a keyboard, it is only the device to communicate very deliberately and precisely by addressing specific energetic cells.
It actually is the living fiery quality of the practitioner that connects with the center of the Nadi. By putting a needle to a Nadi that is shut down by an imposing energy and thereby reduced to only function as a chakra, the fiery energy of the practitioner activates (not stimulates) the fiery center to re-ignite and thus restore its own natural essence and return to its natural emanating quality. In that process the imposing pranic energy on top of the chakra is transmuted. When in full activation, the Nadi by its spherical emanation activates further Nadis to also ignite and thus fiery energy is spread throughout the whole body. It is this fiery flow that aims to dissolve the ill pranic configurations and restore the body back to a true harmonious equilibrium, both energetically and physiologically. The more of the 45,000 Nadis are activated, the more we are healthy, aware and truly vital. |
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